God Born in Man


    Now you are to understand the woman as understanding, the son as intellect, the husband as the man in the soul. You must also understand, when the man in the soul begins to rise up, the masters say it is another man. You should not take this as being another soul: it is another being of the soul, for the old habits are all gone and dead. The soul has assumed her true being and stands in her primal innocence. The man in the soul, transcending angelic being and guided by intellect, pierces to the source whence the soul flowed. There, intellect must remain outside, with all named things. There the soul is merged in pure unity. This we call the man in the soul, and you should understand it thus: the man in the soul is he who has accomplished all this, so that he needs no further help. What he did hitherto, God now works in him. God knows him as he knew Him, God loves him as he loved Him. Thus God performs all works, and the man in the soul is bare and empty of all things.

You should know what a man is like who has come to this: we can well say he is God and man. Observe, he has gained by grace all that Christ had by nature, and that his body is so fully suffused with the noble essence of the soul, which she has received from God and the divine light, that we may well declare, That is a man divine! Alas, my children, you should pity these people, for they are strangers, unknown to anybody. All who ever hope to come to God may well be mistaken in these folk, for they are hard for strangers to perceive: none can truly recognize them but those in whom the same light shines. This is the light of truth. It may well be that those who are on the way to the same good but have not yet attained it, can recognize these perfected ones of whom we have spoken, at least in part. Indeed, if I knew one such man, I would give a minster full of gold and precious stones, if I had it, for a single fowl for that man to eat. I say further: if I owned everything God ever created, I would give it all for that man to consume all at once, and rightly so, for it all belongs to him.



 Excerpt taken from the complete mystical works, pages 215 – 216