The soul is one with God


Now I say, 'He who dwells in Love is in God, and He is in him.'


If I were asked where God is, I should reply, 'He is everywhere.' If I were asked where the soul is that dwells in Love, I should reply, 'She is everywhere.'


For God loves, and the soul that dwells in Love is in God and God is in her: and since God is everywhere and she is in God, she is not half in and half out of God; and since God is in her, the soul must be everywhere, for He who is everywhere is in her.


God is everywhere in the soul, and she is everywhere in Him.


—Sermon 77


The soul is one with God and not united.


Here is a simile: if we fill a tub with water, the water in the tub is united but not one with it, for where there is water there is no wood, and where there is wood there is no water.


Now take the wood and throw it in the middle of the water, still the wood is only united and not one (with the water).


It is different with the soul: she becomes one with God and not united, for where God is, there the soul is, and where the soul is, there God is.


—Sermon 78


 Excerpts taken from the complete mystical works, Meister Eckhart, Sermons 77 & 78.