Beelzebub, banished


       Long, long before, when Beelzebub was still existing at home on the planet Karatas, he had been taken, owing to his extraordinarily resourceful intelligence, into service on the "Sun Absolute," where our Lord Sovereign Endlessness has the fundamental place of His dwelling; and there Beelzebub, with a number of others like himself, had become an attendant upon His Endlessness.


     But then, owing to his youthful and still unformed reason, as well as to his callow and impetuous mentation with its unequally flowing associations, that is, a mentation based on a limited understanding--which is natural for beings who have not yet become fully responsible--Beelzebub once saw something in the government of the world that seemed to him "illogical" and, having found support among his comrades, unformed beings like himself, interfered in what was none of his business.


     Thanks to the force and impetuosity of Beelzebub's nature, his intervention, supported by his comrades, soon captured all minds and brought the central kingdom of the Megalocosmos to the brink of revolution.


     Having learned of this, His Endlessness, notwithstanding His all-lovingness and all-forgivingness, was constrained to banish Beelzebub and his comrades to one of the remote corners of the Universe, to the solar system "Ors," whose inhabitants call it simply "the solar system"; and He assigned as the place of their existence one of the planets of that solar system, namely the planet "Mars," with the privilege of existing on other planets also, but only of that solar system.


 Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson, G.I. Gurdjieff, Viking Arkana Edition, 1992, page 48