Objective Reason in Beelzebub: Non-descriptive Uses


  A review of all instances of non-descriptive uses of the term objective reason. In these cases, the term is used referentially and casts little or no light on its meaning.



Chapter 10



     Beelzebub sighed deeply and continued his tale:

     "After the actualizing of the 'ilnosoparnian' process on the planet Earth, one year by objective time-calculation went by.

     "During this period there were gradually established the corresponding processes of the involution and evolution of everything arising on this planet.

     "And of course there gradually began to be crystallized in the three-brained beings there the corresponding data for the acquisition of Objective Reason.

     "In short, on that planet also, everything was proceeding in the usual normal order. (p. 87)





     "The sacred members of the Most High Commission then reasoned that if this mechanical instinct in the biped three-brained beings of that planet were to develop toward the attainment of Objective Reason, as usually occurs everywhere among three-brained beings, it might possibly happen that they would prematurely comprehend the reason for their presence on that planet and would then make a good deal of trouble; it might happen that once they understood the reason for their arising, namely, that by their existence they should maintain the detached fragments of their planet, and became convinced of their slavery to circumstances utterly foreign to them, they would refuse to continue this existence of theirs and on principle destroy themselves. (p. 88)







Chapter 16

"Each drop of water in that decanter is an independent world in itself--a world of 'microcosmoses.'  In that little world, just as in other cosmoses, there arise and exist relatively independent, infinitesimal 'individuals' or 'beings.'

     "For the beings of that little world, Time flows in the same sequence as that in which it is sensed by all individuals in all other cosmoses.  These infinitesimal beings, like the beings of cosmoses of other scales, have the experience of a definite duration for each of their perceptions and manifestations and, like other beings, sense the flow of Time by comparing the duration of phenomena around them.

     "Like the beings of other cosmoses, they are born, grow up, unite and separate for what is called 'sexual results'; they also fall ill and suffer, and ultimately, like everything existing in which Objective Reason has not become fixed, they are as such destroyed forever. (p. 125)




Chapter 21


     "'As soon as this lamentable factor in the presence of the three-brained beings breeding on the planet Earth was ascertained, a corresponding Sacred Individual was sent here, with the All-Conscious sanction of our Common Father, so that, having been coated with a presence like your own and having perfected himself by Objective Reason in the conditions already established on Earth, he might indicate the way and show you how to uproot from your presence the already crystallized consequences of the properties of the organ kundabuffer, as well as your inherited "predisposition" to new crystallizations.

     "'During the period when this Sacred Individual, coated with a presence like your own and already at the age of a responsible terrestrial three-centered being, was personally guiding the ordinary process of being-existence of your ancestors, many of them did indeed free themselves completely from the consequences of the properties of the organ kundabuffer, and thereby acquired being for themselves personally or became normal sources for the arising of a normal presence in future beings like themselves. (p. 237-238)





     "And it seems that Saint Buddha said to them further:

     "'You, three-centered beings of the planet Earth, endowed with the possibility of acquiring your own functioning of both fundamental sacred laws, have also the full possibility of coating in yourselves this most sacred particle of the Great All-Embracing of everything existing, and of perfecting it to the required degree of divine Reason.

     "'And this Great All-Embracing of all things embraced is called "Holy Prana."'


     "This precise explanation of Saint Buddha was well understood by his contemporaries, and many of them began to strive with eagerness to absorb and to coat in their presence the particles of this Most Great Greatness, and afterward by this means to make manifest divine Objective Reason.

     "But when the beings of the second and third generations following Saint Buddha began wiseacring with their peculiar reason about his explanations of cosmic truths, they introduced for future transmission the definite notion that this 'Mister Prana' is already in them when they first see the light of day. (P. 245)





Chapter 23


"First of all, my boy, you should know about the existence of a 'something' that is actualized for these terrestrial types, as it is in general for every cosmic unit, and that serves for beings with Objective Reason as an 'initiating factor' for grasping the sense and meaning of any cosmic result.  This 'something,' which serves as an 'initiating factor' in evaluating the significance of these contemporary terrestrial beings, is a wiseacring 'map'--named by them, of course unconsciously, an 'inventory of heavenly spaces.'

     "There is no need to draw any other logical conclusion about this 'initiating factor' actualized specially for them; the very name of this map of theirs is enough to show that its designations can only be relative.  Even though they rack their 'esteemed brains' in devising names and calculating various measurements, with the means at their disposal your favorites can see only those suns and planets that, fortunately for them, do not change too rapidly the course of their falling in relation to their own planet, thus making it possible for them over long periods of time--long, of course, as compared with the brevity of their own existence--to observe and, as they pompously put it, 'mark down their positions.'

     "In any case, my boy, whatever may result from the activities of these contemporary representatives of 'science,' please don't hold it against them.  If they bring no good at all to your favorites, at least they do them no great harm.  After all, they have to be occupied with something.



Chapter 24


"Even before my fifth sojourn there, that is, before the period when Babylon, as I have told you, was in full flower, those who were regarded by others as 'learned' were not such beings as become worthy to be considered learned everywhere else in the Universe, namely, those who from the earliest times, even on your planet, have acquired by their conscious labor and intentional suffering the ability to contemplate all the details of everything that exists from the point of view of world-arising and world-existence, which enables them to perfect their highest being-body to the degree corresponding to the sacred Measurer of Objective Reason, and later to sense the cosmic truths accessible to this highest body, according to its level of development.  But ever since the time of what is called the 'Tikliamuishian civilization,' and especially in our era, the beings there who become 'learned' are almost always those who have learned by rote the greatest possible amount of vacuous information, such as old grandmothers love to repeat about what was supposed to have been said in the 'good old days.'




     "In the name of justice I must say here that the initiative for the destruction of the holy labors of Ashiata Shiemash did not spring from those learned terrestrial beings then assembled in the city of Babylon, but rather from the invention of a well-known 'learned' being who had existed on the continent of Asia several centuries before these Babylonian events.  His name was Lentrohamsanin; and this being, whose highest being-part was coated into a definite unit and perfected to the required gradation of Objective Reason, became one of those 313 Eternal Ghassnamooss Individuals who now exist on the small planet bearing the name of 'Expiation.'





Chapter 28


"The basis of all the great and small maleficent activities of those 'learned' beings and of all their unconscious harmful manifestations leading to the destruction of the last remnants of the results, so beneficent for the three-brained beings there, of the very saintly conscious labors of the Essence-Loving Ashiata Shiemash was, as my further detailed research on his saintly activities showed me, the 'invention' of a scientist, well known in his day, who was also a 'learned being of new formation,' named Lentrohamsanin.

     "Thanks to the double 'center of gravity' of his inner existence, the 'highest being-part' of the presence of this terrestrial three-brained being was coated and perfected up to the required gradation of Objective Reason, and later this highest being-part became, as I once told you, one of those 313 'highest being-bodies' who are called 'Eternal Ghassnamooss Individuals' and who have the place of their further existence in the Universe on a small planet named 'Eternal Expiation.'




Chapter 29


And then Great Nature, in order to restore the 'equilibrium of vibrations,' was compelled gradually to adapt the duration of their existence to the principle called 'itoklanotz,' which in general determines the duration of existence of one-brained and two-brained beings that have not the same possibilities as three-brained beings, and are therefore incapable of actualizing in their presence the partkdolg duty foreseen by Nature.

     "According to this principle, the duration of their being-existence and also the entire content of their common presence generally depend upon the results arising from the following seven factors in their surroundings:

     1. heredity in general;

     2. conditions and environment at the moment of conception;

     3. the combined radiations of all the planets of their solar system during their formation in the womb of their progenitrix;

     4. the level of being-manifestation of their progenitors during the period in which they themselves are preparing for responsible age;

     5. the quality of being-existence of those in the immediate surroundings;

     6. the quality of what are called 'teleokrimalnichnian thought waves' formed in the atmosphere around them--likewise during the period of their preparation for responsible age--that is, the sincerely manifested good wishes and deeds of 'beings of the same blood'; and finally,

     7. the quality of their own 'being-egoplastikoori,' that is, their being-efforts for the transubstantiation in themselves of all the data for obtaining Objective Reason.





     "Grandfather!  Dear Grandfather!

     "Please express aloud the information you acquired during your long existence and which you have in your common presence, so particularly dear to me, since it may give me material for an answer to the question that has just arisen in my essence, an answer that I cannot yet even vaguely represent to myself, having no data whatever about it for logical confrontation in any of the spiritualized parts of my common presence.

     "This question arising in my essence, the answer to which is already necessary to the whole of my presence, consists in this: Even if, for reasons not depending on them, these unfortunate three-brained beings who breed on the planet Earth do not have the possibility during their responsible existence of acquiring divine Objective Reason, why is it, since they arose so long ago and their species has survived for so many centuries, that those customs and 'instinctive automatic habits' proper to all beings could not gradually have been formed by now in their presence thanks to the flow of time alone, even in the abnormal conditions of their ordinary existence--which existence, in both the 'egoistically personal' and the 'collective' sense, might then flow more or less tolerably from the point of view of objective reality?"




     "This admixture of extraneously caused arisings took place in the sacred Theomertmalogos owing to the following and, I must add, unforeseen causes.

     "When each perfected 'highest being-body' becomes an independent Individual and acquires its own law of the sacred Triamazikamno, it begins to emanate in the same way as the Most Holy Sun Absolute, but in miniature.  And when a great many of these perfected independent Sacred Individuals had been assembled on the Most Holy Sun Absolute, then between the emanations of these Sacred Individuals and the atmosphere of the Most Holy Sun Absolute a what is called 'geneotriamazikamnian contact' was established, which brought on this terrible misfortune for the 'perfected highest being-parts' of which I have just told you.

     "To be sure, the action of the results of this 'geneotriamazikamnian contact' soon became harmonized with the already existing action of our Most Holy Sun Absolute; nevertheless, from then on the emanations of the sacred Theomertmalogos were inevitably changed, and the first consequences of this disastrous contact eventually led to a change in the harmonious movement of many solar systems, thus producing a disharmony in the inner functioning of certain of their planets.

     "It was just then that there broke away from the solar system Khlartoomano that famous planet with quite exceptional particularities, which exists alone in space; at the present time this planet is called 'Remorse of Conscience.'

     "This 'geneotriamazikamnian contact' consisted in this: in the atmosphere of the Most Holy Sun Absolute unusual vibrations of diverse origin began to emanate, as I have already said, from these highest being-bodies and, uniting with the emanations of the Most Holy Sun Absolute, penetrated everywhere in the Megalocosmos and reached certain planets on which highest being-bodies were continuing to arise in beings.  And these unusual vibrations began to be transformed and crystallized in the very core of the sacred Theomertmalogos, thus participating in the coating of the 'highest parts' of these beings.

     "And from that time on, these sacred arisings contained special properties in their presence, due to the fact that certain manifestations of the other parts of the being in whom these sacred arisings were being coated began to enter and be assimilated in the composition of these higher parts, producing bizarre results which came to be called, and are called today, 'sins of the body of the soul.'

     "It was just on account of those bizarre results that these cosmic formations, even if perfected to the required gradation of Objective Reason, ceased to correspond in their common presence to the conditions of existence in the sphere of the Most Holy Protocosmos, and from then on lost all possibility of being deemed worthy to unite themselves with it.




"In consequence, the possibilities for the free development of all that is required for engendering Objective Being-Reason are gradually atrophied in these unfortunate, utterly blameless, newly arisen beings, and finally disappear during the period of their 'preparatory age.'  And later, when these young beings reach 'responsible age,' they acquire in the 'center of gravity of their essence' instead of the Objective Reason they ought to have, merely a strange conglomeration of automatically perceived artificial and even deceptive impressions which, though having nothing in common with the localizations of their spiritualized being-parts, nevertheless makes a connection with the separate functionings of their common presence.  As a result, not only does the whole process of their existence flow automatically, but almost the entire process of the functioning of their planetary body becomes dependent only on accidental, external impressions, also perceived automatically.

     "In very rare cases certain of these favorites of yours, on reaching responsible age, possess genuine pure Reason, proper to responsible three-brained beings.




Chapter 42


"A good example--as luminous as an 'American billboard'--for your being-representation of the extraordinary perspectives opened for the future by this invention of theirs is provided by the following: certain of these contemporary American beings who, of course by accident, have acquired a large quantity of their famous dollars, now install beside their 'water closets with comfortable seats' various accessories such as a small table, a telephone, and what is called a 'radio apparatus,' so that while sitting there comfortably, they may carry on their 'correspondence,' talk on the telephone with their acquaintances about all their 'dollar businesses,' quietly read the newspapers which have become indispensable to them, or finally, listen to the musical compositions of various 'ghassnamoosses' which, as soon as they become fashionable, every American 'businessman' is bound to know.

     "The greatest evil of this American invention, from the standpoint of the disharmony in the digestive functioning of all the contemporary three-brained beings of your planet, is due to the following causes:

     "In former times, when more or less normal data for engendering Objective Reason were still crystallized in the common presence of your favorites, and they could reflect for themselves, or at least understand when other similar and already well-informed beings explained the subject to them, they assumed the posture required for this function.  Later, when these being-data had definitely ceased to be crystallized in them, and they began discharging this function only automatically, their planetary body, thanks to the system prevalent before that American invention, could automatically, simply by what is called 'animal instinct,' adopt the required posture.  But now that American beings have invented these comfortable seats, and they have all begun using them for this inevitable function of theirs, their planetary body can no longer adapt itself even instinctively to the required posture, with the consequence that certain muscles, which actualize this inevitable being-function, have gradually become atrophied, and thus they have become subject to what is called 'constipation' and, in addition, to several specific new diseases, which in the whole of our Great Universe arise exclusively in the presence of these strange three-brained beings.






 All quotes from Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson, G.I. Gurdjieff, Viking Arkana Edition, 1992, from various chapters as indicated.