The Holy-Reconciling force


  "And just as in the Megalocosmos all the results issuing in the course of the flow of the fundamental process of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh—on the one hand from the affirmation of the Most Most Holy Protocosmos and on the other from the various shades of denial of the newly created suns— thereafter serve as a 'reconciling principle' for everything newly arising and already existing, so in your favorites also there exists a corresponding localization for the concentration of all results issuing from the affirmation of the 'head brain and from all the shades of denial of the 'spinal marrow', and these results thereafter serve as a 'regulating' or 'reconciling principle' for the functioning of the whole presence of each of them.

"As regards the place of concentration of this localization, which serves the common presence of terrestrial three-brained beings as a 'regulating' or 'reconciling principle, it should be noted that in the beginning, in them as in us, this third concentration existed in your favorites in the form of an independent brain, localized in the region of what is called the 'breast.'

"But after the process of their ordinary being-existence began to change markedly for the worse, Great Nature, due to certain causes flowing from the common-cosmic trogoautoegocratic process, was compelled to change, without destroying its actual functioning, the system of localization of this brain of theirs.

"That is to say, Great Nature gradually dispersed this organ, which had been concentrated in one place, into small localizations over their whole common presence, but chiefly in the region of what is called the 'pit of the stomach.' They themselves at the present time call the totality of these small localizations in this region the 'solar plexus,' or the 'complex of nodes of the sympathetic nervous system.'"


 Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson, G.I. Gurdjieff, Viking Arkana Edition, 1998, p. 714