Jeanne de Salzmann, on Forces


"Ideas have been brought by Gurdjieff as part of a science that we need to know well. But the idea alone is not enough. If it is not lived by all the parts of myself, I will remain as I am—passive and wholly at the disposition of surrounding forces. On a cosmic scale, man plays an important role on the earth. Without him certain forces cannot act and cannot maintain an equilibrium. But we do not see this, we do not know it and consequently we do not produce the force that could create a relation with other cosmic energies in ourselves."


From The Reality of Being, Introduction


"Everything that exists is constituted of three forces. They can be represented as the Father, the active force; the Son, the passive force; and the Holy Spirit, the neutralizing force. The Father creates the Son. The Son returns to the Father. The force that descends is the one that wishes to return, to go back up."


Ibid., p. 27


"When I have to manifest, to express myself, I simply react to the impression received according to the way my centers have been educated. I only see forms—things and persons—never forces. I never respond from vision, from an understanding of reality."

Ibid., p. 31

I need to learn first to render each part passive so as to receive a more active force. Everything is a question of forces. Our existence, our Presence here below, is also a question of forces. Nothing belongs to us, nothing is ours. We are here either to transmit forces or to transform them if we understand how. It is necessary first to feel these forces in a distinct way, to feel each in itself, and then to feel them together in order to create a new force able to confront the others, able to last, able to be.


Ibid., p. 38


The laws governing the universe are here and act in us. The aim is that all the forces, which are within ourselves, turn toward a center and again form a whole. It is this movement in an ascending direction that we must learn. But everything that is below holds us back. It must all be purified. In this coming together, the energy acquires a different quality. The aim of this reuniting is the power to be.


Ibid., p. 52


Forces from all worlds pass through me, from the lowest to the highest, the most pure. And I do not know it. I do not feel them, I do not serve them. For this to be possible, the barriers that separate me from my essential being must fall, and I have to become conscious of myself as a whole.


Ibid., p. 254


A note to readers:


The comments above represent a small selection of the comments made about forces in The Reality of Being.


I daresay that those who choose to study this question correctly and truly understand it organically, with all of their parts, will after long effort come to intuitively understand almost everything I have attempted to teach about the enneagram over the past 10 years, along with a most essential understanding of Gurdjieff's ideas.


It would be well for readers interested in such a question to take careful note of her comments on the question of forces throughout the book, since everything she says on the matter is absolutely true and has an essential impact on understanding of the questions we face in inner work.: