The splendors of purgatory

        Having said this, Beelzebub thought a little, and then with a slight smile continued:

     "Not only is this holy planet the center of concentration of the results of the functioning of all that exists, but it is now also the best, the richest, and the most beautiful of all the planets of our Universe.

     "When we were there, you probably noticed that we always saw and sensed that the entire space of our Great Universe or, as your favorites would say, the 'whole sky,' seemed to reflect a radiance recalling that of the famous and incomparable 'almacornian turquoise.'  Its atmosphere is always as pure as the 'phenomenal sakrooalnian crystal.'

     "On that planet, each individual, with all his presence, senses everything around him 'iskoloonitzinernly' or, as your favorites would say, 'blissfully and delightedly.'

     "On that holy planet, as the well-informed say, there are about ten thousand 'springs of water,' both mineral and fresh, which in purity and clarity are unequaled on any other planet of our Universe.

     "From all over our Universe the most beautiful and melodious 'songbirds' are gathered there, of which, according to the experts, there are about twelve thousand species.

     "And as for the surplanetary formations, such as 'flowers,' 'fruits,' 'berries,' and so on, words are inadequate.  Suffice it to say that there are collected and acclimatized on this planet almost the whole 'flora,' 'fauna,' and 'foscalia' of all the planets of our Great Universe.

     "All over that holy planet, in well-situated 'gorges,' there are convenient 'caves' of various interior forms, some made by Nature and some artificially, with striking views from their entrances.  In these caves there is everything required for a blissful and serene existence, completely free of essence-anxiety for any part of the presence of a cosmic independent Individual, such as 'highest being-bodies' can become.

     "It is in these very caves that, by their own choice, those 'highest being-bodies' exist who, owing to their merits, come to this holy planet from the whole of our Great Universe to continue their existence.

     "In addition to all I have mentioned, they also have at their disposal the very best, most convenient, and most rapid 'egoleeonopties' or, as they are still sometimes called, 'omnipresent platforms.'

     "These egoleeonopties move freely in all directions in the atmosphere of the holy planet, at any desired speed, even at the speed of falling of the second-order suns of our Universe.

     "This system of egoleeonopty was, I believe, invented specially for this holy planet by the famous angel, now already Archangel Herkission."


 Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson, G.I. Gurdjieff, Viking Arkana Edition, 1992, pages 683-684